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‘The Flash’ Season 3 episode 3: Jesse Quick returns

By Shelumiel Ryan Abapo | Oct 21, 2016 12:14 PM EDT
Grant Gustin as The Flash and Violett Beane as Jesse Quick on "The Flash".
(Photo : Twitter/EssentialFlash) Grant Gustin as The Flash and Violett Beane as Jesse Quick on "The Flash".

Season three of The CW's no. 1 show "The Flash" seemed to have already settled into its groove with "destiny versus free will" theme with its third episode. Harrison "Harry" Wells and Jesse Quick came back from Earth 2 and has surely brought with them that much-needed bolt of energy by Team Flash.

It was definitely a delight to see Jesse, now a fully minted speedster, after realizing the extent of her abilities. But it would be disheartening on the part of Wally, who badly wanted to be a speedster more than anything else in the world. While the show was still the same imaginative and creative superhero series as it was on its first season, "The Flash" season three seems to have some problem with creating new villains.

After killing its main nemesis in season one, the mysterious Eobard Thawne, the series has struggled to recreate a similarly compelling dynamic. The show's first season has been its most well-structured and spellbinding when it comes to its main villain. Season two has Hunter Zolomon as the main bad guy which appeared much a rehash of season one.

 Season three has Doctor Alchemy as villain who happens to be not a speedster. But unlike Eobard Thawne in Harry Wells body, Doctor Alchemy does not come much of a threatening figure, even though the body count is piling as a result of his antics. Unfortunately for the writers of the show, they made it too obvious that Julian, Barry's CSI specialist as a rival, is Doctor Alchemy's secret identity. Simply put, Doctor Strange lacks the creepiness of an evil Harry Wells in a wheelchair.

In this episode, Flash will fight a metahuman who calls herself Magenta. A troubled teenager Frankie Kane gained the powers to control metal and subsequently killed her abusive foster father. But she does not remember doing so because she has a split personality.

But the fight against Magenta is just mild as compared to the guilt Barry feels every time he looks at Wally. He feels a pang of guilt because Flashpoint took away the one thing Wally truly wants: to be a speedster. Because of the changes in the timeline in episode two, Wally lost his abilities and Jesse realized her powers. The question now would will Wally react when he finds out he was Kid Flash in the Flashpoint timeline? Will Barry develop a greater understanding of his own relationship to the Speed Force?

"The Flash" airs every Tuesday 8PM on The CW.

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