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Unknown superhero teams; under the radar super group perfect for big screen adaptation

By Ryan Dawn Umadhay | Jan 09, 2017 10:06 PM EST
DC Comics has been dominating comic book sale charts, with Marvel coming in second.
(Photo : Facebook/Suicide Squad, DC Comics) DC Comics has been dominating comic book sale charts, with Marvel coming in second.

Avengers, Suicide Squad and Guardians of the Galaxy are only some of the groups of super squad to hit the big screen. But they are not the only group of heroes that should come to life - here are three other groups that could give movie goers something exciting in the ever expanding superhero universe.

DC's Doom Patrol

While the world of DC is trying to give their movie library a boost through Justice League, Doom Patrol could offer a unique take on superhero films. Instead of a big, gritty film everyone anticipates from Justice League, Doom Patrol is more focused on a single mission. Led by the genius Chief and supported by Element Woman, Negative Man, Robotman and Elasti-Woman, crossover is also a possibility because these characters were once part of Justice League.

The Order

According to The Robots Voice, the super team is a California-based squad after Civil War. They underwent genetic manipulation to become superheroes - and the people they chose should be a looker. Featuring three girls (one former Miss America), two guys and a robot, this mash-up could be a stand-alone film that could also act as way of piecing the events together after civil war.

Gen 13

Kids in the late 90s will definitely remember this teen-based superhero mash-up from DC. The Amazon list of the complete collection is relatively inexpensive and it offers the tale of a group of teens who slowly go through transformation to become heroes. What made the now-forgotten comics work was the unassuming heroine who became the leader of the group and the crazy banter especially between their male members.

Gen 13 has been popular for some time. In fact, the comic book series spawned a stand-alone animated film that served as an origin story to its members. However, adapting the comic book series could be great for TV instead of big budget film because of its humor and relative popularity of the characters.

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