The Will To Live Held A Successful Fashion Show For People With Disabilities in Vietnam

By Roma / Nov 27, 2015 07:40 PM EST

In a very unique kind of fashion show and the very first of its kind in Vietnam, social enterprise The Will To Live came up with an event that would highlight the beauty of people with disabilities. The goal of the show was to use fashion in providing awareness to the public about bringing equality to people with disabilities and at the same time giving them the confidence that they deserve.  

The event, entitled "I'm Beautiful. You Too" was organized by The Will To Live with the support of the United Nations in Vietnam, the Italian and Australian embassies and Flinder University. Nguyen Thi Van, director of the Will To Live also held a conference at the United Nations Office to discuss the aims and goals of the show, according to VIETMAZ

"No matter who you are, man or woman, rich or poor, with or without disabilities," Van said. "Everyone is born equal in dignity and rights and has the right to be treated with respect and to promote its own values."

Van has already organized a fashion with the same concept in Australia, VAV reported. This year's event in Vietnam will not be different as the show focuses on deepening understanding and negative perception of people from those with disabilities. 

UN resident co-ordinator Pratibha Mehta even mentioned during their press conference that women with disabilities have the same right to feel attractive just like any other models out there. These individuals also have the right to pick and design the most suitable dresses that they want to use. In the end, she emphasized that these types of events are "very powerful in helping to both challenge and change attitudes surrounding disability."

Three renowned brands helped to make the show possible including Chula from Spain, Bianco Levrin from Italy and Ideas from Vietnam. All of them provided the thirty designs that showcase a fusion of oriental and western styles.