Competing against PC players versus Xbox players, is it possible?

By Natalie Anderson / Jan 31, 2017 01:08 PM EST
(Photo : The image features the “Gears of War 4”, a game with cross-play support.

Competition against PC players versus Xbox players is now a reality.  Early this week, Microsoft has released the cross-play support for "Gears of War 4" for PC with Windows 10 OS and Xbox.

The Xbox boss Phil Spencer has then been tweeting and he cited how he wants the cross-play support to be the thing in the future. The Xbox boss hopes that there would be more game titles that would have cross-play support.  Xbox is indeed ready for a cross-play support, according to Uber Gizmo.

What is cross-play support? It just means that players of the Xbox console can play with PC players.

The cross-play support would need to rely on the developers and on the other platforms for it to be implemented.  Microsoft has made it possible to work the PC cross-play support along with Xbox.

Console to console cross-play support however is seemingly far fetched now but it would be possible it would happen in the future. This is what the Xbox boss Mr. Spencer wants to see in the future.

As aforementioned, The "Gears of War 4" has a cross-play support. Although it works on one mode aspect of the game only, it's a good start.

Console makers such as Microsoft and Sony would definitely want to have their respective consoles to be purchased by gamers. But having cross-play support would definitely help the gamers alike to have more fun in the proceedings. Indeed, there are issues with the platforms, like on how games played on one console or device may differ from how the other operates the game.

To date, there are only a few games that have cross-play support for both Windows 10 and Xbox. And these are from small indie game developers.  Along with the "Gears of War 4" game, the "Forza Horizon 3", "Astroneer", and the upcoming games such as "Gwent" and "Crackdown 3" have cross-play support.

Some have concerns regarding the assumption that one console or device may have more advantage than the other.  An example is that the PC is said to have more advantage when it comes to a genre such as shooting. Microsoft however stated that there is no difference when it comes to the performance. Thus, they pushed forward with fully implementing it in the game.

Watch Phil Spencer talk about the future of Xbox One and Windows 10: